NC History Theater's Shows

You do not need a PayPal account to buy tickets online; you will be prompted to enter a credit card if desired.

MARCH 3-6, 2022
Cullman Performance Hall
NC History Center,
New Bern, NC

Thank you to everyone who came
and supported this show!
Murder in the Manor
March 25, 26, & 27
At The Old Theater
In Oriental.
609 Broad Street

Thank you to everyone who came
and supported this show!

This program is supported in part by North Carolina Humanities the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities,
April 8 at 7pm (free)
April 24, 30, May 1 Following the Show
Bill Hand and Simon Spalding have crafted Honour, The Musical that tells the story of the Spaight-Stanly duel and the story of Sarah Rice, enslaved servant to the Spaights. But did you wonder how it was that two men ended up firing shots at each other? Hand and Spalding will host a discussion of the circumstances and the people that led to the famous duel, as well as 19th century slavery, based on what they learned in their research and preparation. Join them on Friday, April 8 at 7 pm at Orringer Hall at Craven Community College for this free presentation. No tickets or reservations are necessary. Also presented following the matinees of Honour, The Musical on April 24, 30 & May 1.
Thank you to everyone who came
and supported this show!
APRIL 21-24, 2022
APRIL 30-MAY 1, 2022

Thank you to everyone who came
and supported this show!
In partnership with Craven Community College and New Bern Historical Society
Presented in partnership with Craven Community College and the New Bern Historical Society
This program is supported in part by North Carolina Humanities the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities,

The evil, dastardly Mr. O'Blatherskite is dead! But who killed him? Do you know? A fun, goofy comedy set in the Wild West.
Three Performances at The Old Theater, 609 Broad St. in Oriental,
August 5, 6, & 7. Click HERE for tickets.
Still some August 2022 dates available to schedule a performance for your business or group. Mobile means we come to you! Be sure to book your dates early. Call 252-229-4977.
The Miscreants' Christmas,
a seasonal comedy by
Bill Hand.
Travelling show available to come to you in the Holiday Season. Call for scheduling. 252-229-4977
Scheduled for The Old Theater in Oriental Dec. 9-11. Watch for ticket information.